Sunday 31 May 2009

Stress of Life

What's up with these late night thoughts,
it's 2:39am and once again I can't sleep,
it's not the heat, even though it's quite uncomfortable,
looking out of this stained window,
music full blast,
is a fox, roaming care free, possibly searching for it's next meal.
and I wonder,
how does it feel to be care free,
without a worry about exams, work or family life,
it's rare, in a world we live in today,
everyone rushing around, to work, school, or to meet someone,
but nobody takes time to stand still,
and just to forget about everything,
life is going to be stressful,
so moments like these where I sit here looking,
The Peace and tranquility,
I will cherish.

Thursday 28 May 2009

The American Dream.....

as i sit here thinking of what to write,
all these thoughts of happiness and delight,
but i wonder if this will ever last,
as my time here is ending fast,
i keep dreaming the same dream,
of me leaving,
new life out there, 9 weeks,
Missing my friends already, even though i have not left,
Leaving the one i love will be the hardest,
knowing i wont be there for her,
i know il text i know il write,
its just the fact of leaving is a fright,
but hey,
il be back, slightly tanned and with an American accent,
but to be with my friends once again and with you once more,
will make it all worthwhile......

Wednesday 27 May 2009

half term blues

I sit here on a chilly Thursday morning, its 1:57am,
Really should get some sleep,
But something is holding me back,
Half way through my final holiday here, before I wonder to a new country,
that's not it,
something else is stopping me.
stressful times, coursework, exams, nagging teachers.
that's not it either,
starting to bug me now,
it can't be,
friends are not it, and it's not my girlfriend either,
so what is it??
it's 2:14am not and im rattiling my brain,
what could it be?
ahh I know. him.